About Rustic Volunteers

Volunteers' Reviews - Peru

Name: Yu Hui
Date and Country of Program: Cuzco, Peru

We would appreciate if you could summarize your Volunteer/Travel experience with Rustic Volunteer Program

That was a great experience. The Spanish classes were perfect. I didn't know any Spanish before coming to Peru so I just picked everything up during my stay in Peru, it was difficult at first but the Spanish classes helped me a lot. The family stay was excellent, it's a good opportunity to experience the life of local people there, and my family was extremely helpful and gave me lots of advice about traveling around Cuzco and helped me with Spanish too. The volunteering with children was fruitful, I made friends with the children and it was so hard to say goodbye. I helped them with Maths or easy Spanish homework, and when they don't have homework I played with them. For me it's a really special experience, I am able to use what I know to help the kids there and I had a great time. Thanks a lot!

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For more Reviews from volunteers, please check: http://abroadreviews.com/rustic-volunteer-and-travel

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